Two Stories by Radwa Ashour, Jadaliyya, 2016

"The Callous Father Who Refuses to Die" by Mansoura Ez Eldin, Jadaliyya, 2011

Two Poems by Jabra Ibrahim Jabra, Trinity Journal of Literary Translation, 2014

"Egypt, Hang in There" by Tamim al-Barghouthi, McSweeney's 40, 2012

"Revolt Against the Sun" by Nazik al-Mala'ika, Jadaliyya, 2013

Tahrir Documents, archive from 2011 Egyptian Uprising, UCLA Library

Nixon Goes to Egypt (a novel by Yusuf al-Qa'id), collaboration with Chris Stone (COMING SOON)

“Wait for Me by the Edge of the Sea” by Yusuf al-Sayigh, Jadaliyya, February 4, 2018

“Wait for Me by the Edge of the Sea” by Yusuf al-Sayigh, Jadaliyya, February 4, 2018